Saturday, March 13, 2010


Ok- So I'm gonna have to take a picture like this soon~!
And it makes me REALLY happy.
Last year when we were visiting our friends Greg and Mad in San Francisco, I put on this pair of shorts that I had.. and the button popped right off. That was really upsetting.
That was August.
At the end of August, and the beginning of September, I started asking my sister in law, Ashley to go to the gym with me. We went to Zumba and Step class or would just go to the gym. And then one day I got on the scale. And it was a scary scary number that I had never seen that was looking back at me.
I mean.. that number has haunted me. I never want to see it again.
Right then and there I turned to Ashley and I said, "We're going to do something about this. We're gonna beat "the flab".

And just to let you know, since then I have lost 16 lbs.

I bought some new jeans at the end of July (when I couldnt really fit into some other jeans.. ) and now I can pull them away INCHES!!

I just had to share that I am really really proud of myself. My husband has encouraged me alot and I have alot of people around me that are also working on their image and they're great to talk to. The iPhone app Lose It has also been a great tool to use. You can even add friends and they can see if you're sticking to your exercise and calories and meeting your goals. When I lose another 1 1/2 lbs, I'm celebrating with some new nice sunglasses. And when I hit my target weight there's gonna be a party!!


Jessica said...

Good for you! Party it up! You deserve it :)

Brie and Jeff said...

Awesome! I wish we lived closer so we could be workout buddies.