Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Summer thus far..

Here's the first blog and we'll try to kind of keep this up to date as a little journal that people can get on here and read. Madeline set this up for me back a few months ago and I just remembered we had this.. so I think we can put it to use.

Right now Willie and I are just having a nice time in Provo over the summer. Willie is taking Spring and Summer classes at BYU, right now he's taking a Physics class, Tennis, and a Business class. He's still working at the BYU Family History Library and will be there a bit longer. He's really been enjoying playing tennis everyday and having a nice balanced schedule.

I am working at APX Alarm this summer as a team leader in the Corporate Data Entry department (aka the call center.. luckily it's not outbound calls, it's just talking to the reps and techs putting in the alarm systems). It's been pretty chill and I have one of the best schedules (8:30- 5:00) which is really nice to work with Willie's schedule. Renee' works with me so we get to see each other quite a bit.

So.. other than school and work for us, we've not done alot this summer. We've actually kept pretty much to ourselves because alot of our friends have left for the summer. Colby and Camille and Mark are in Houston and Chris is in Miami and we miss them alot. It'll be nice when they're back in the fall, especially because Colby and Camille are moving into our apartment complex in September so we'll see them like everyday.
We've gotten to spend alot of time with Renee' lately, which is really nice because this is the closest we'll ever be to my sister and we're trying to make the most of it. She lives in Orem and like I said we work together so that's been a real blessing.

Even though we miss alot of people, we're having a fun summer together, at least we have each other. We've been cooking alot together and watching alot of food network. haha. We've been keeping up with the RedSox and the Celtics and how they're doing... and there's never a lack for espn being on tv.
We got a Wii in April and we've played that alot, Willie pretty much rocks at Tennis and Baseball and I'm getting alot better at bowling. I dont ever beat him but I can put up a little fight!
We did get Mario Party 8 this month and I've been able to beat him on some games on there. Haha.

We're kinda excited about some stuff coming up this summer. My family is coming out on June 26th and staying til July 6th so I'll get to see them then alot and then we're going to go to California-San Jose area- to see Greg and Madeline most likely in August. Willie's graduation is also in August (because even though he really graduates in December they don't hold a Fall term graduation ) and then the day after he graduate's he's heading to Kentucky to start training for Sun Tan City which is an exciting thing.

It seems like this summer is already flying by very fast... and and then after the summer we each have one more semester here and then we'll be packing up and heading to Maine! Time flies when you're having fun!

Anyway.. I know this is kinda a random scattered post but I thought a good topic for my first blog ever would just be an update on some stuff. Stay tuned.. more to come!